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王岐山,马鸣,高育仁(主编). 2006. 中国动物志(鸟纲,第五卷).北京:科学出版社,1-644.
Wang Qishan, MaMing, Gao Yuren. 2006. Fauna Sinica. Aves Vol.5, Gruiformes, Charadriiformes and Lariformes. Beijing: Science Press, 1-644. ISBN 7-03-016363-X
马鸣,徐峰,R.S. Chundawat,等. 2006. 利用自动照相术获得天山雪豹拍摄率与个体数量. 动物学报, 52(4): 788-793.[MaMing, XuFeng, R. Chundawat, Kubanych Jumabay, Wu Yi-Qun, Aizezi, Zhu Ma-Hong . 2006. Camera trapping of snow leopards for the photo capture rate and population size in the Muzat Valley of Tianshan Mountains. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 52(4): 788-793. ]
Ma Ming, MeiYu, Tian Leilei, Wu Yi-Qun, ChenYing, XuFeng, A. Dixon, E. Potapov, I. Angelov, D. Ragyov, I. Balazs. 2006. The Saker Falcon in the desert of North Xinjiang, China. Raptors Conservation, (6): 58-64 .
Ma Ming, Shunde Wei, Feng Xu and Shoujing Yin. 2006. Black Stork Ciconia nigra in Xinjiang, China. Biota, 7(1-2): 57-64.
Ken Krbbijeveld, Ma Ming(马鸣), Jan Komdeur & Raoul A. Mulder. 2007. Offspring sex ratios in relation to mutual ornamentation and extra-pair paternity in the Black Swan Cygnus atratus. Ibis, 149 (1): 79-85. (SCI)
马鸣、梅宇、Eugene Potapov、等. 2007. 中国西部地区猎隼(Falco cherrug)繁殖生物学与保护. 干旱区地理,30(5):654-659. [MaMing, MeiYu, E. Potapov, Wu Yiqun, A. Dixon, D. Ragyov, XuFeng, N. C. Fox. 2007. Breeding biology of Saker Falcon Falco cherrug and protection plan in Tibet, Qinghai and Xinjiang, the west of China. Arid Land Geography, 30(5): 654-659]
Ma Ming (马鸣) and Chen Ying (陈莹). 2007. Saker Falcon trade and smuggling in China. Falco 30: 11-14. http://www.savethesaker.com and http://www.falcons.co.uk/
马鸣, 梅宇. 2007. 在新疆发现两种珍稀野鸭. 动物学研究 28(6):673-674. [MaMing and Meiyu. 2007. White-headed Ducks and Long-tailed Ducks were recorded in Xinjiang, China. Zoological Research 28(6): 673-674.]
马鸣,李维东. 2008. 新疆鸟类一新记录——棕眉山岩鹨. 干旱区地理, 31(3): 485. [ MaMing and Li Weidong. 2008. A new record of bird from Xinjiang - Siberian Accentor Prunella montanella. Arid Land Geography, 31(3):485 ]
梅宇,马鸣(通讯作者), Andrew Dixon,胡宝文. 2008. 中国西部电网电击猛禽致死事故调查. 动物学杂志, 43(4): 114-117. [Mei Yu, Ma Ming, Andrew Dixon and Hu Baowen. 2008. Investigation on Raptor of Electrocution along Power Lines in the Western China. Chinese Journal of Zoology 43 (4): 114-117.]
马鸣, 张新民, 梅宇, 胡宝文. 2008. 新疆欧夜鹰繁殖生态初报. 动物学研究 29(5): 476, 502, 510. [Ma Ming,Zhang Xinmin,MeiYu,Hu Baowen. 2008. Preliminary Report on the Breeding Ecology of Eurasian Nightjar in Xinjiang,China. Zoological Research 29(5): 476, 502, 510]
McCarthy, Kyle, Todd Fuller, Ma Ming(通讯作者), Thomas McCarthy, Lisette Waits and Kubanych Jumabaev. 2008. Assessing Estimators of Snow Leopard Abundance. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 72(8): 1826-1833. (SCI)
马鸣, 梅宇,胡宝文. 2008. 中国鸟类新记录——斑[姬]鹟. 动物学研究 29(6): 584, 602. [Ma Ming,Mei Yu and Hu Baowen. 2008. The European Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, a New Record of Bird in China. Zoological Research 29(6): 584, 602]
梅宇,马鸣(通讯作者),胡宝文,Dusan Brinkhuizen,Tamas Szekely. 2009. 新疆北部白冠攀雀的巢与巢址选择. 动物学研究,30(5):565-570.[Mei Yu, Ma Ming, Hu Bao-wen, Dusan Brinkhuizen, Tamas Szekely. 2009. Nests and Nest-site Selection of White-crowned Penduline Tit Remiz coronatus in the Northern Xinjiang. Zoological Research, 30(5): 565-570.]
马鸣, 胡宝文, 克德尔汗 等. 2010. 新疆艾比湖遗鸥和细嘴鸥的数量现状. 动物学杂志, 45(1): 42, 49.
Ma Ming, Hu B W, Kedeerhan et al. 2010. Population status of Relict Gulls and Slender-billed Gulls in Ebinur Lake. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 45 (1): 42, 49.
马鸣,胡宝文,梅宇,Thomas McCarthy. 2010. 昆仑山中段初冬鸟类调查及其多样性分析. 干旱区研究, 27(2):230-235.
[MaMing, Hu Baowen, Mei Yu, Thomas McCarthy. 2010. Survey on Bird Species and Analysis on Bird Diversity in the Central Kunlun Mountains in the Early Winter. Arid Zone Research, 27(2): 230-235.]
Ma Ming, Chen Ying, Kedeerhan Bayahen, Hu BaoWen, Li Fei, Wu JiaQing, Gao Xiang, Mei Yu. 2010. Seasonal changes in the number of Relict Gulls (Larus relictus) at Ebinur Lake, Western China. Journal of Arid Land, 2(2): 151-155.
马鸣. 2010. 鸟类“东扩”现象与地理分布格局变迁——以入侵种欧金翅和家八哥为例. 干旱区地理, 33(4):540-546. [MaMing. 2010. Bird expansion to east and the variation of geography distribution in Xinjiang, China. Arid Land Geography, 33(4): 540-546]
马鸣,克德尔汗.巴亚恒,李飞 等. 2010. 新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区鸟类清单及秋季迁徙数量统计. 四川动物, 29(6): 912-918,+封底.
MaMing, Peng Ding, Weidong Li, Ying Chen & Baowen Hu. 2010. Breeding ecology and survival status of the Golden Eagle in China. Raptors Conservation, 19 : 75-87.
马鸣. 2011. 新疆鸟类分布名录(第二版). 北京:科学出版社. 1-244. MaMing. 2011. A checklist on the distribution of the birds in Xinjiang. Beijing: Science Press, 1-224.
马鸣, 李维东, 张会斌 等. 2011. 黑颈鹤在新疆罗布泊和昆仑山分布及种群状况. 动物学杂志,46(3):64-68.
MaMing, Li W D, Zhang H B et al. 2011. Distribution and population state of Black-necked Crane Grus nigricollis in Lop Nur and Kunlun Mts., Southern Xinjiang. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 46 (3): 64-68.
马鸣,徐峰,Bariushbb Munkhtsog, 等. 2011. 新疆雪豹种群密度监测方法探讨. 生态与农村环境学报,27(1):79-83. MaMing, XuFeng, Bariushbb MUNKHTSOG, Wu Yi-qun1, Tomas MCCARTHY, Kyle MCCARTHY. 2011. Monitoring of population density of Snow Leopard in Xinjiang. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment, 27 (1): 79-83.
MaMing. 2011. Status of the Xinjiang Ground Jay: population, breeding ecology and conservation. Chinese Birds, 2(1): 59–62.
马鸣, 程芸, 陈莹 等. 2011. 罗布泊野骆驼自然保护区的鸟类记录. 动物学杂志,46(5):79-89.
MaMing, Cheng Y, Chen Y et al. 2011. The Record of Birds in the Lopnur Wild Camel National Nature Reserve. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 46 (5): 79-89.
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