★ occupy
【例1】Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。
【例2】The enemy occupied the town.敌人占据了这个城镇。
【例3】Sports occupy his attention.他专心于运动。
【例4】Her time is fully occupied with here three children.她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
【例5】These people occupy an inferior position in local society.这些人在当地社会居于下等地位。
【同义替换】inhabit, absorb, engage
【派生】occupier n.占有者,居住者 occupation n.职业;占有;消遣;居住
【真题】The theatre has broken attendance records for three years in a row. Last year its 1,431 seats were 94 percent occupied all year long and this year they’ll do better.剧院已经连续三年打破上座率记录。去年1431个座位全年的上座率达到了94%,今年将会更高。
★ reckless
【例】He had always been reckless with money.他花钱总是大手大脚。
【同义替换】rash, careless, imprudent
【派生】recklessly ad.鲁莽地 recklessness n.鲁莽,不顾后果
★ adjective
【例】In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.法语中形容词必须在数和性上与名词保持一致。
【派生】adjectival a.形容词的 adjectivally ad.像形容词地
★ correlate
v. (with, to)(使)互相关联
【例】The results of this experiment do not correlate with the results of earlier ones.这次试验的结果与以往的不一致。
【同义替换】relate, connect, link
【派生】correlation n.相互的关系 correlative a.相关的,显示相互关系的
【真题】Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions, IQ was negatively correlated with leadership—that is, it predicted the opposite.已经有研究表明,如果在低压力状况下进行智商测试,那么这种测试就可以预测出领导才能,但是,在高压力状况下,智商测试所得的结果与领导才能呈负相关,也就是说,它预测的结果是相反的。
如果你觉得自己背单词的效率不是很高,那么就尝试在睡前和醒来这两个时间点复习一下之前背过的单词吧,时间不用太长,半个小时就可以,这两个阶段可是记忆的黄金时期哦。 |