★ recite
【例】The little girl could recite the dates of important historical events.这个小女孩儿能够背诵出重大历史事件的日期。
【派生】recital n.背诵,朗诵
★ saint
【例】You must be a saint to be able to tolerate his temper.能够受得了他的脾气,你一定得非常有涵养。
【派生】sainted a.神圣的
★ symptom
【例1】The first symptom this disease causes is a feeling of sickness.这种疾病引发的最初症状是恶心。
【例2】This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students.这次游行表明了学生的不满情绪。
【同义替换】omen, portent
【真题】Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools aren’t difficult to find.普遍的反学识追求的现象在我们的学校很常见。
★ annoy
【例1】His rude behavior annoyed me.他粗鲁的行为惹恼了我。
【例2】Do not let anybody annoy me when I am talking with the governor.我和州长谈话时,不要让任何人来打扰我。
【同义替换】irritate, aggravate, peeve; disturb, interfere
【派生】annoyance n.烦恼,厌烦之事 annoyed a.感到厌烦的 annoying a.令人厌烦的
★ coherent
【例1】They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company.他们似乎没有一致的计划来挽救公司。
【例2】He provided us with a coherent explanation.他给我们的解释非常有条理。
【同义替换】consistent, coincident, accordant, concurrent; clear
【派生】coherence n.连贯性;一致 coherently ad.连贯地;一致地
【真题】To encourage innovation and competition, the report calls for increased investment in research, the crafting of coherent curricula that improve students’ ability to solve problems and communicate effectively in the 21st century, increased funding for teachers and the encouragement of scholars to bring their learning to bear on the great challenges of the day.为了鼓励创新和竞争,报告号召增加研究投资、制定连贯的教学大纲来提高21世纪学生解决问题和有效交流的能力、提高教师经费和鼓励学者用所学来影响当今的巨大挑战。
“人生的磨难是很多的,所以我们不可对于每一件轻微的伤害都过于敏感。在生活磨难面前,精神上的坚强和无动于衷是我们抵抗罪恶和人生意外的最好武器。”面对考研路上的小挫折,学会别那么敏感。钝到极点的刀更有杀伤力,因为它是锤子。 |