湖南大学材料科学与工程学院研究生导师李梓维介绍如下咨询QQ、微信:2544906共振等。近年来,共发表SCI论文18篇,作为第一作者及共同第一作者发表论文7篇,包括Adv. Mater. 2篇,Nano Lett. 1篇,ACS Nano 2篇,Nanoscale 1篇,Chin. Phy. B 1篇。相关工作被ACS Nano: 'In Nano'特刊、Advanced Materials "video abstract"、Wiley Materials Views China、Design for Science等国内外科学网等新闻媒体多次报导。
博士期间科研成绩突出,荣获20项省市级、校级奖励和荣誉,包括北京大学五四学生奖章(北大学生最高荣誉)、北京大学学生年度人物(北大学生最具影响力荣誉)、北京市三好学生、北京市优秀毕业生、博士生国家奖学金、宝钢优秀学生特等奖、中国航天集团CASC奖学金等等。2016年曾挂职于安徽省宿州市高新区主任助理,协助宿州市淮海石墨烯研究院搭建石墨烯创新基地。Ziwei Li (Jervis Lee)Associate Professor of Physics and Material Sciences, Hunan University, 2018-now;Ph. D in Academy for Advanced Interdisceplinary Studies, Department of Physics, Peking University, 2009-2013;Visiting Scholar in School of Physics and Astronomy, Birmingham University (UK), 2017.2-2017.8;BS in School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University (China), 2009-2013;He focuses on 2D materials, nanophotonics and novel opto-electronic devices. He majors in nanofabrication and spectroscopic technology. Using steady-state, transient spectral detection technology to investigate the light-physics of 2D materials, including charge transfer, dynamics of excitons, valley polarization and surface plasmon. He has published 18 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Laser & Photonics Reviews, Small, Nanoscale and Advanced Optical Materials. Some works have been highlighted in ACS Nano special issue "In Nano", Advanced Materials "video abstract", Wiley Materials Views China, Design for Science.Selected Publications咨询QQ、微信:2544906耦合过程。通过加工纳米尺度的金属螺旋结构,利用光在结构中产生的自旋轨道耦合的机理,可以实现光操控激子-等离激元耦合增强。在金属结构的增强作用下,左旋光激发时单层MoS2信号增强超过10倍,在右旋光激发时信号未显著增强。系统研究发现,该耦合过程与纳米结构的尺寸参数、螺旋结构圈数、激光的功率和激发波长密切相关。利用Majorana球模型首次分析了纳米结构中的光的自旋与轨道耦合现象。并利用该原理实现了旋光操控的发光阵列,左旋光和右旋光分别呈现“PKU”字母的明文和暗文发光。(ACS Nano, 2017, Highlight: ACS Nano:'In Nano', Design for Science, ESI High Cited Paper |