本文老师给大家推荐一篇2015年7月11日的《经济学人》的时文。主题是关于“国家应当如何说服人们戒烟” how people can be persuaded to stop smoking. 这是一个科学所解决不了的健康问题。what countries need to do to get people to quit. 但是作者认为国家对此需要采取什么措施是非常明确的。下面我们就来一起看一下“如何戒烟”?How to stub it out?
【原文】Banning smoking would be wrong. But discouraging smoking is entirely legitimate: smokers pollute the air other people breathe, they damage their families when they die prematurely, and the addictive nature of the habit weakens the argument that smoking is a freely chosen pleasure
【原文】The most effective measure against smoking is taxation. The WHO reckons that it should be at least three-quarters of the value of a pack.
【原文】The idea of developing countries leapfrogging rich ones is familiar in technology, but it can apply to social policy, too. Over the past half-century, the rich world has learned slow and painful lessons about how to persuade people not to take up smoking, or to quit it if they already have. Low and middle-income countries can adopt those measures before their citizens get addicted.
其一:Bans on smoking in public places can have immediate benefits.
其二:electronic cigarettes can help: 7% of British quitters use them.
其三:Gruesome public-information campaigns can help.
例如:美国的“来自戒烟者的小建议”运动,通过展示因吸烟相关疾病致残的人,说服了大约100000人戒烟。America’s “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign, which showed people crippled by smoking-related diseases, persuaded around 100,000 people to quit. 哥斯达黎加和菲律宾给决心戒烟者发送了包含戒烟小建议的短信。Costa Rica and the Philippines send aspiring quitters text messages with handy tips on giving up.
中国在2015年也开始实行了公共场所全面禁烟,之后的禁烟运动会取得卓有成效的发展。所以禁烟这个话题会是我们2016考研的人们话题,希望大家认真学习这篇文章的核心内容以及表达,不仅是对考研英语阅读而言,对考研英语写作也会有很大的帮助。预祝大家复习顺利,梦想成真! |