Spain and the Catalans
Scandal in Catalonia
Jordi Pujol's confession undermines Catalans' hopesof independence
Jordi Pujol的忏悔摧毁了加泰罗尼亚人独立的希望
IT IS not the narrative that Catalan separatistshoped for as they face a stand-off with the Madrid government over a planned independencevote in November. Instead of a debate about evil Castilian conquistadors, their cause has beenovershadowed by a scandal over a fallen hero, Jordi Pujol, who served for six terms as leaderof Catalonia.
加泰罗尼亚的分裂主义者希望能够通过11月计划的独立投票脱离马德里政府,这并非是道听途说。但是,人们并未声讨邪恶的卡斯提尔征服者,他们的注意力全被坠落的英雄人物—Jordi Pujol的丑闻吸引了。Jordi Pujol曾是加泰罗尼亚连续六届的领导人。
Four weeks ago Mr Pujol admitted that his family had hidden money in Switzerland for the past35 years. “We never found the right moment to declare it,” he said breezily. The confessioncomes at an awkward time. Mr Pujol's hand-picked successor as head of his Convergence andUnion (CiU) group, and Catalonia's current leader, Artur Mas, has promised a referendum onNovember 9th. Spain's prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, will ban it. Separatists hoped this wouldswell their ranks. But now all the talk is of the 84-year-old Mr Pujol, a political giant in hisregion.
Other family members are under investigation. A son, also called Jordi, goes before a judge inmid-September to answer questions about tax fraud and money-laundering after a girlfriendaccused him of carrying bags of 500 notes to Andorra. Another son, Oriol, has quit assecretary-general of the senior partner in the CiU group, Catalan Democratic Convergence: aninvestigating judge suspects him of taking bribes. A legion of longtime Pujol-haters in Spain aredancing on the dynasty's political grave and hoping that this may kill the referendum.
The scandal will hurt Mr Mas, but it does not sink separatism. He is being tugged in oppositedirections by his referendum pledge. His more moderate coalition partner, Democratic CatalanUnion (UDC), has threatened to quit. The ardently separatist Catalan Republican Left (ERC),which props up his minority government, wants him to defy Madrid by calling an illegalreferendum if need be. It also demands an inquiry if Mr Pujol does not appear before theCatalan parliament.
Mr Mas may hold an early election that serves as a proxy for a vote on independence. CarmeForcadell, leader of a Catalan pressure group that has driven the separatist surge, insists onthis if Mr Rajoy blocks the referendum. But opinion polls show CiU trailing ERC. The Pujol affairwill damage it further. If the UDC walks out, Mr Mas's party may be hammered.
Mas可能会举行一个前期选举以选出独立的代言人。推进分离主义的加泰罗尼亚压力集团的首领CarmeForcadell 坚信这一点(如果Rajoy阻碍公投的话)。但民意调查显示汇合党远远落后于加泰罗尼亚民主共和党。Pujol事件对其伤害更深。如果UDC退席,Mas政党的发展将遇到巨大阻碍。
A test of separatist feeling will come on September 11th, Catalonia's national day. In previousyears Ms Forcadell's group has called out millions to demand an independence vote. Thisyear's protest may be less impressive. Those who want a new deal with Spain but dislike fullindependence may stay away. Anger about the economy, a source of many gripes, isdimming, but the Pujol scandal will spread disillusion. The man who built up Catalan nationalpride is now undermining it.
1.serve for 充当;用作
例句:This box will have to serve for a table until thefurniture arrives.
2.accuse of 控告;指责
例句:I hate it when people accuse us of that.
3.prop up 支持,资助
例句:If you have difficulty sitting like this, prop up your back against a wall.
4.stay away 离开,缺席
例句:Take my advice and stay away from him!
听我的,离他远远的! |