Meanwhile, so far this year, $1.85tn deals have been done globally; if this continues 2015’s totalcould top the annual record of $4.6tn deals s in 2007.
What should policy makers and investors conclude? If you want to be optimistic, you mightsee this as a welcome return of animal spirits. In the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financialcrisis, corporate executives were so scarred — and scared — that their priority was to cutcorporate debt and costs. But now the C-suite feels more ambitious. And what is particularlystriking is that the current M&A frenzy is affecting not just one industry, as during thetech boom, but a wide range, including retail, oil, pharma and tech.
But there is a second, darker interpretation of this trend: namely that the western financialsystem is drowning in excess cash and credit. History suggests such a scenario rarely endswell. After all, the crucial point about the two previous M&A peaks is that they coincidedwith equity and credit bubbles. Shortly afterwards, those bubbles burst — with painfulconsequences.
But, unsurprisingly, money is flooding into M&A deals, too, as executives seek eye-catching ways to show they are earning their salaries.
Some bankers argue that this is not a bad tactic; or not compared to the other dismaloptions. “In our view, acquisitions — particularly in the form of stock deals — represent a morecompelling strategic use of cash than buybacks given the current stretched valuation of USequities,” says David Kostin of Goldman Sachs in a note to clients.
一些银行家辩称,这种策略并不坏,至少不比其他一些糟糕选择更坏。高盛的戴维•科斯京(David Kostin)在一份写给客户的报告中表示咨询QQ、微信:2544906。这让投资级企业的债务股本率达到了85%,而2010年的这一比例是72%。
The M&A bankers who are orchestrating this activity insist that 2015 will be different from2000 or 2007. Chief executives have learnt the right lessons from history and are chasing onlythose acquisitions that make strategic sense — or so the argument goes. Separately, somepolicy observers argue that this M&A fever will naturally cool down later in the year as theprospect of a US interest rate rise draws closer. And who knows? If economic growthcontinues, companies may eventually start to embrace investment with the same gusto theycurrently embrace M&A or buybacks.
But do not bet on that happening. The more likely outcome is that, when future historians lookback to May 2015, this $243bn record will be viewed as a portent of an overinflated financialworld. This is an era when quantitative easing is making the owners of assets rich — not tomention boosting the wealth of M&A advisers. But it has not convinced companies tobelieve in a vibrant economic outlook, or not enough to invest. And that is worrying indeed.
但是别抱指望。更可能的结果是,当未来的历史学家回首2015年5月的时候,这个2430亿美元的最高纪录将会被视为金融世界过度膨胀的先兆。这是一个量化宽松让资产所有者变得富裕(更别说让并购咨询顾问发大财)的时代。但它没有让公司相信经济前景欣欣向荣,也不足以说服它们投资。这确实令人担忧。 |