★ dubious
【例】The results of this policy will remain dubious for some time.这项政策的效果短期内难以确定。
【同义替换】doubtful, questionable, uncertain, distrustful
【派生】dubiously ad.可疑地,怀疑地
★ execute
【例1】The plan is good in every respect, but it is badly executed.这个计划在各方面都是好的,但却执行得不好。
【例2】The murderer was executed according to law.那个杀人犯已经被依法处决了。
【同义替换】conduct, perform, fulfill, kill
【派生】execution n.处决,实施 executive a.执行的 executable a.可执行的 executor n.执行者
★ fragile
【例】Large scale development and construction will be certain to bring enormous pressure to bear on the fragile ecological environment of Tibet.西藏生态环境脆弱,大规模开发建设势必给生态环境带来巨大压力。
【同义替换】delicate, weak
【派生】fragility n.脆弱,虚弱,易碎
【真题】Works of several historians reveal the moral compromises made by the nation’s early leaders and the fragile nature of the country’s infancy.几位历史学家的著作揭示了美国早期的领袖们在道德方面所做的妥协,以及美国在建国初期的脆弱本质。
★ guilty
【例】The manager was guilty of an important misjudgment.经理犯了一个重大的判断错误。
【派生】guiltless a.无罪的 guiltily ad.有罪地,内疚地 guilt n.有罪,不安,内疚
★ hypothesis
【例】It is unlikely that the hypothesis of life on other worlds will be verified in the near future.在别的星球存在生命的假设,不太可能在不久的将来就被考证出来。
【同义替换】theory, supposition, premise
【派生】hypothesize v.假定 hypothetical a.假设的 hypothetically ad.基于假设的
考研英语复习贵在坚持,这点在背单词上面体现得尤为明显,记忆单词不是一朝一夕之功,必须长期的有计划的去完成。没有什么万能的方法,如果有,那也是个人根据个人的实际情况,总结出来的适合自己的万能秘笈。希望各位考生都能够找到属于自己的那本通关秘笈,早日到达理想的彼岸。 |